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March Fly-in Postponed

Our March fly – in will now take place on Sunday the 29th march due to the recent inclement conditions. Look forwards to seeing you all on this day, the will be an open fire,…


March Fly-in

Sunday 8th March. Social club event, come one – come all. Barbeque, Fire pit, Club ‘Sports’ flying. Hopefully by this time the patch will be un-submerged and we can get our new toys out that…


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Diary Dates

The following dates were selected at our last comitee meeting for our major events, please email me if they clash with anything that will affect the clubs ability to support these events. National Pylon Meeting…


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Bring a Model, 5th March

Club night in March is bring a model. You do not have to stand and talk about your model in front of everyone, just set it up on a table and chat to other members….


Club Auction 6th Feb

It’s that time of year again we hold the club Auction. Other clubs are invited to sell and buy. So if you need to make room in your hanger, or need another motor then come…


Combat Flying at Norwich

Have you ever thought about flying a combat wing. Our club members have been invited to a club in Norwich to see how the planes are built and flown. This can be an exciting experience…


DMARES update

If you have paid your D.M.A.R.E.S. (Drone and model aircraft registration and education scheme) through our club, you should receive an e-mail with your number by 17th of Feb. this number will need to be…


6th February, Club Auction.

It’s this time of year again where you can de-clutter your Hanger, Garage or Shed. of if you have a space for a new model, then come along and see whats on offer. this Auction…


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Winter Fly-in, Sunday 29th December

Hello all Hope you all enjoyed your christmas as much as we did. The winter fly in is on, preparations are in hand, the field is not half as flooded as it was a week…


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Happy Christmas

From your commitee and Chairman, to all at North Berks Radio Model Aircraft Society. We wish you a very happy Christmas. Hope to see as many of you as possible on the 29th december for…
