By now, members should have received their invite to the AGM. If you haven’t, please contact a committee member.
With the invite, there is also a membership form. This must be completed for the year 2023. Please read and check that your details are still current and amend where necessary before returning by email or post to the Treasurer/Membership secretary. The form needs to be processed before your membership is complete. Once complete, you will receive a letter confirming that your membership has been renewed.
The common delays to this process are
1. Incorrect payment
2. BMFA / DMARES paid through another club has been delayed
3. Country Members have not paid BMFA/DMARES.
4. Complete Membership form not received by Treasurer/Membership secretary
5. Waiting for BMFA to allow renewals
For those who would like to propose a member for next year’s committee, there will be proposal forms at the AGM and in the portacabin at the flying field from 13/11/2022.