Articles by James Penman

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Flying from Dec 2nd

The Government have released updated guidance that comes into effect from 2nd December when local restriction tiers will replace the current National restrictions in England. Based on this guidance, and subject to Parliamentary confirmation, Model Flying…


Ian’s 1/4 scale Spitfire

Have a look on the Winter builds page of the club’s website at Ian’s 1/4 scale Spitfire, which he is building for a very lucky club member …



Hopefully all club members will have received their club membership renewal forms and related documents. In case you need a reminder of current Committee members there is a page on the club website identifying the…


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Update to Jim’s Tiger Shark build …

Jim has been making progress on his Tiger Shark build. See his blog on the ‘Winter Builds‘ page of the club website and see the craftsman at work. If you have a winter project on…


Last Day of Flying …

Wednesday saw a lovely, calm day and several took the opportunity for a final day of flying before Lockdown pt 2. Some sought to extend this as late as possible with John Bell’s old Hobby…


Covid 19 Lockdown

The BMFA has issued advice to model clubs in England following the PMs announcement on Saturday and we ask that all NBRMAS members follow this advice: ‘The Government has ordered that certain venues must close,…


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Winter Builds / Projects

As we cannot meet for our ‘share your winter project’ club night we have started a page on the club’s website to post pictures and information about your ‘Winter Builds’. If you would like to…


Another successful ‘A’ test!

Congratulations to Harry who passed his ‘A’ test today. The wind didn’t put Harry off who, after a mishap with his own model borrowed Steve’s Discovery and displayed his skills to examiner Colin who awarded…


Three maidens and more EDF action …

A lovely, calm Sunday with plenty of flying at the patch. Keith and Dave successfully maidened their new EDFs, John reshaped the nose of his Flycat and Peter decided the tree was a good place…


More weekend training …

Another successful weekend of flying. Keith and Dave introduced three new potential members to RC flying (ably assisted by John fine tuning one of the club’s faithful trainers).
