So, preparations are in hand and going well.

There will be a pilots brief at 11am, please arrive before this. Obviously normal sports flying can take place before this also.

The weather looks to be nice, fingers crossed.

For funfly entrants I hope to fly four tasks, climb and glide, touch and go’s, time for 10 loops and a balloon pop if we get time. I want to run this event first whilst everyone else tucks into some burgers.

The BBQ has been well thought out by your chairman, for a small donation to the club burgers and cold drinks will be available.

After the funfly and a sports fly slot there will be a scale hour, I will walk round getting names and model names of all entrants, voting slips will be issued as it is peer judging. The winner of the ALGAR scale trophy will be determined during this hour. Models must complete a flight for votes to count.

After another sport fly slot there will be a vintage/classic half hour. Again, I will gather entrant and model names and issue voting slips, for there is a trophy to be won in this class too.

I would also like to run a very simple electric glider event. There may not be time. Depending how the day goes, potentially, could do an all up, last down. single motor run. If your interested in this, and the weather should be good for it, bring your electric gliders.

Keith Fowler has kindly volunteered to help me run the event, you may find he asks you to ready your model or clear the patch ready for another slot to get flying. We will do our best to communicate what is happening and when so everyone has a nice, relaxed, enjoyable day.
