Latest News

Christmas Tree Club

The Christmas Tree Club has a new member. Fortunately there was little damage to the model, a few repairs to the wing tips needed. Model and owner reunited, with a little help.


Scale Day

A date for your diary … more details to follow, but if all goes well we are hoping to hold our annual Scale Day on Sunday 12th September.


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Article 16 update

BMFA issued with an updated Article 16 Authorisation Following a ‘strategic review of model flying’ which the CAA completed earlier this year, they took the decision that each model flying Association would be issued with…


Lost and found

On Sunday afternoon a Futaba battery checker (BR-3000) was found. see the training officer if you can reunite it with its owner.


Lock the gate

There have been reports of unwanted guests around the farm site and we have been asked to always lock the gate by the main entrance off the A338. Please don’t ask someone to leave the…


Lost Model

On Saturday a White and Yellow E-FLITE Conscendo flew out of sight and could not be found, this is a 1.5m foam glider. The model could have travelled some distance. The owner walk for about…


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Rule 11 update

Rule 11 now reads: ‘Neither members nor visitors are permitted to fly any model that weighs over 7.5 kilograms, maximum take-off mass (including batteries and fuel), unless that person holds a relevant BMFA ‘B’ certificate. …


Update to Club Handbook and Rules

With the new flying season under way it is a good time for us all to remind ourselves of the club site rules, pages 9-12 of the Handbook. The latest version can be found here:…


Return to the Skies Monday 29th March

Unless there is contrary advice from the BFMA, flying at NBRMAS will resume from Monday 29th March. Please continue to respect social distancing rules and adhere to government guidance, and sign in and out using…


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Good advice from the BMFA:

At BMFA HQ we feel like young children waiting for Christmas morning to arrive… how many more days, minutes, hours and seconds until we’re allowed out to play once again? Why not spend these next…
