Fun fly report

We went, we flew, we ate some very nice doughnuts and we had a good laugh.

Its was a still and peaceful Saturday morning, the sun was out, winds were light and the patch was impeccably prepared as always. Perfect conditions for committing aviation.

We flew three different disciplines and this generated three different winners in each discipline. First was a climb and glide, Won by Ian with his OS75ax powered big stick. This beast of a motor hauled it up to a dot in the allotted 30 seconds. Second after a stop for coffee and doughnuts was touch n goes, maximum number of in 60 seconds. I narrowly edged this from Ian by only missing the ground once, to his twice. Finally was a time trial. In turn we each took off, flew a course I had devised up and down the southern boundary of the field with two loops in the down wind leg and then land. This was won by our chairman, his recent pylon practice clearly paying off, and his petrol converted 61 singing a sweet song in the front of his classic wot4.

After some normalising of the scores the top four spots were:

1st, John 2nd, Ian 3rd, Nev 4th, Bill.

The next one will be in 4 weeks ish time, date to be announced soon.
