
Club Night Bi-Planes 6/7/23

The club night this month is themed Bi planes. Dust of your Bi-Plane, if you haven’t got a Bi plane, bring what you like.


Grass cutting 12pm Tuesday

The patch will be cut from 12pm on Tuesdays for the next few weeks to see if the later time makes a difference to the cut. Please could fliers plan for lunch at this time…


David Bockett, 1945-2023

I am very sad to announce the passing of our very good friend, David Bockett, yesterday evening, Sunday 11th June, 2023. He was only diagnosed recently, after several years of immobility and discomfort, that he…


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Friends & Family Fun Fly day

What an excellent day, and for once the weather held off the downpours until (almost) everyone had packed away. Thanks to all who joined us, John B for masterminding the day and especially to Sonia…


Friends & Family Fun Fly Sunday 11th June

Don’t miss our Friends & Family Fun Fly day on this coming Sunday. Lots of Fun flying and a few competitions to test your flying skills. We have food being cooked by Sonia & Sue…


Full size Gazelle helicopters warning

Please be aware that the full size Gazelle helicopters may fly directly over our patch without warning. This has happened recently and despite the Committee’s attempt to ask them to inform us if and when…


Thursday Evening Flying

We are holding Themed flying evenings, starting at 6.00pm on the first Thursday of the next 3 months. 1st June Gliders 6th July Bi-planes 3rd August EDF’s If you don’t have any of the themed…


Calling all gardeners …

Would you like to extend your skills to helping out tend our patch? The groundsmen would like some extra hands to call on every so often to help their excellent work maintaining the patch for…


Congratulations …

… to Evren for flying an excellent ‘A’ test routine for his solo waiver, flying his trusty Acro Wot with a purring Laser up front, in quite breezy conditions. Thanks also to the training team…


No Flying Friday 12th May

There is a NOTAM out for Friday 12th May. There will be an intensive helicopter training day at Landmead by the Gazelle Squadron at Landmead all day from 10:00am until 5:00pm.,-1.1999021,10.314078991764125 NOTAM.
